Spring Paddle the Border is scheduled for Sunday, May 21, 2023.
Fall Paddle the Border takes place on the first Sunday in October each year.
Suggested launch time is 10:30-11:30AM.
Now in its 20 year, the Chamber is always pleased to co-sponsor this beloved community event along with Haverhill Parks and Recreation, Newbury Conservation Commission, Butler's Bus Service, Bradford Conservation Commission, Upper Valley Land Trust, and Upper Valley Trails Alliance.
Come for the paddle; stay for the live music and BBQ lunch!
The Spring 2023 Paddle will launch from the Woodsville Community Field and end at the Bedell Bridge Boat Launch.
There is a FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE 10-11AM (for persons and personal equipment only). Drop off your boat at the launch site, drive to the end site and park, then take the shuttle back to your boat and start the paddle!
For more information, contact Mike Thomas at 802-757-3960 or email mikethom1@charter.net
Paddle the Border was started as a way for community organizations from Vermont and New Hampshire to work together to showcase our shared asset: the Connecticut River. Paddle the Border promotes the natural, cultural, scenic, and recreational resources of teh Connecticut River, in a way that would also provide an economic boost to the area. The event is held twice per year, weather permitting. There are no rain dates.